The modern workplace is transforming at a rapid pace as businesses seek to digitize and automate processes. This digital transformation, facilitated by the cloud technology, results in almost immediate benefits such as increased productivity, ease of communication, and round-the-clock connectivity.

Cloud technology has doubled down on the core set of tools users rely on for functionality. In fact, it also harnesses artificial intelligence to improve user experience. This results in a dramatic improvement in productivity.

With that said, here is a little more detailed discussion on how cloud technology improves productivity and supercharges your workplace.

Modernized Collaboration

Cloud solutions improve productivity by helping teams work faster and more efficiently. It is easier for employees to collaborate because of flexible work scheduling since they can share tasks among coworkers with varying working hours and time zones.

The cloud also provides employees with easy access to round-the-clock storage sites for sharing and editing files in real-time. This significantly cuts down the time spent waiting for others to arrive at a decision. Furthermore, there is no need to inform coworkers of updates because cloud tools do this for you.

This marked improvement in participation and communication is vital for successful projects, especially if your workforce is geographically dispersed. Cloud collaboration provides 24/7 accessibility that allows for better employee participation.

Quicker Access to Large Data Files

A regular email server will have a file size limitation of up to 25MB (more or less depending on the provider). Before the advent of cloud solutions, teams would share larger files offline through external hard disks or USBS. Now they have the option to simply upload the file on a server hosted by a cloud service provider.

Sharing files offline is time-consuming and makes it impossible for remote teams to work remotely. Cloud storage allows teams to share large files without delays or distribution difficulties. Once you upload the file online, you can share a link with all your team members – regardless of the size of the file. The only limiting factor is the speed of the internet connection

Better Security and Compliance

Cloud solutions provide top-of-the-range security that is aligned with the regulatory requirements of several high-risk industries. Moreover, security is a growing concern for CEOs and VPs because of the increased risk of cybersecurity attacks that take advantage of new vulnerabilities (read more about the zero-day vulnerability).

Cloud providers like Microsoft, Google, and others spend billions of dollars on the security of their offerings. They put in the best research to develop strategies for protecting your data. Transitioning to the cloud can provide you with complete protection from ransomware attacks and the option to use multi-factor authentication (MFA).

You also get access to tools that simplify and automate cloud compliance in the ever-evolving regulatory environment. This frees your employees to focus on core business operations as opposed to worrying about compliance. Cloud technology does this for you.

Business Intelligence

A key advantage of using the cloud is business intelligence, which makes data more accessible to employees. These cloud-based business intelligence tools are easy to use for end-users, which allows you to lessen the burden on your IT team’s involvement and costs. Moreover, these cloud tools are easier to scale to accommodate the company’s growth.

Cloud providers like Microsoft have hundreds of data sources in real-time to help you make decisions. Although there is a learning curve, these tools are easy to use and can be set up in minutes to use data without disrupting the team’s performance. Another reason business intelligence is more effective on the cloud is that it can handle a colossal amount of data that is not possible on a regular server.

Ease of Accountability

It is a common myth that remote work would make it more challenging to manage employees because they are not present in a physical workspace. However, cloud solutions are now equipped with built-in tools that track user sessions and activities, such as transactions, logins, and data usage. These systems will log important activities, raise alarms in case of suspicious activity, and block malicious transactions.

It is easy to check an employee’s logs to measure their contribution, participation, and output on shared applications. This will also incentivize employees to meet and exceed expectations and avoid activities that could jeopardize the company’s standing in the community.

Leverage Automation

A key advantage of using cloud solutions is that they provide the opportunity to automate repetitive and mundane tasks. It is easy to delegate tasks such as system patching, sending notifications, emailing, payroll generation, and attendance to digital systems, thus freeing your in-house staff to focus on more important tasks that require human input.

Support for BYOD

The cloud allows employees to use their personal devices for work and reduce overhead costs associated with the enterprise’s IT infrastructure. BYOD also allows for a more flexible work environment where employees can work with the tools they like best. However, BYOD practices should be approached with caution to avoid ongoing security concerns.

You should have a company policy in place for BYOD devices with detailed guidelines on how to access enterprise resources. This will educate employees on best practices for using their personal devices when interacting with company resources.

Backups and Redundancies

One of the main reasons cloud technology has seen exponential growth in the past few years is its ability to allow enterprises to store important data in a safe, remote location. Data protection was the primary purpose of cloud solutions in their earliest stages. And when you combine this with automation of data backup, you create an efficient workflow that is simple and reliable.

Companies can choose to use cloud backups based on their needs. They can set the number of backup copies needed and the backup schedule. Storing multiple copies of your data will protect your system if it is corrupted, lost, or attacked. You can easily restore a backup version of the copy with the click of a few buttons.

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